
Why the Forest?

So many Reasons...

So many Reasons...

Adapted from the Scandinavian approach to learning that originated in the 1950's, Forest schooling has spread across the world with the flood of research proving it's benefits for children.

This is a long term, holistic learning process that aims to raise self-awareness and self-esteem in participants.   The natural environment is the teacher, the kaiako (teachers) skilled facilitators of exploration, encouraging of problem solving and promoting the dispositions of curiosity and perseverance in the learners.

Forest schools such as ours operate around the following key principles; 

  1. Forest school is a long term, repetitive learning process that uses a natural outdoor space.
  2. Forest school empowers children to take responsibility for their own learning and development.
  3. Forest school encourages emotional growth, self-esteem, confidence and independence.
  4. Forest school is facilitated by qualified forest school practitioners.
  5. Forest school instils a deep respect and awareness for the natural world and reconnects participants to their environment. 

    We've all read the research - we are preparing children for jobs that don't even exist right now.  Rather than act as vessels for our information as traditional schooling has focused on and which technology ensures they can obtain on their own at any time. - they are better served with the gifts of  learning that will promote their ability to discover what they need, when they need it.  This programme offers children the opportunity to develop resilience, flexibility, perseverance, problem solving, bravery and  a solid sense of themselves - their self esteem and identity.