Our thoughtfully designed local curriculum aligns with Te Whāriki - the National Curriculum, it reflects our Philosophy of aroha and sustainability, and created collaboratively, it echoes tamariki, parent and whānau aspirations.

All of our foundational centre documents are formulated and reviewed in partnership with our community of whānau, kaiako and tamariki. Our priorities reflect what you view as success for your child and what is important in our community.

The forest is open ended - there are no prescriptive toys, joy is found in what Papatūānuku gifts us on any day. Tree climbing, puddle jumping, art, literacy, science and maths - it can all be found in the landscape.

Animals have much to teach children. Kindness, empathy and care. We offer horse riding, and encourage children to care for our sheep, our rescue goat, and numerous other furry friends.
Strictly 37 Spaces in our ECE and 16 in our School Programme - Register Your Interest Now.
Enrol to be on our waitlist, either full time or part time.
Our Services
Forest Preschool for children age 3-6 - Open from 730-430 Monday to Friday
One Day School for children age 5-13 - Open from 9-3 Wednesday and Friday
School Holiday Programme one week of each school holidays.
(Only closed Stat Holidays)
Message or email us for a tour!
Contact us
Phone: 07-823-3336 between 9 and 3 or Text: 027-500-4030
Email: theforest.ece@gmail.com
59 Te Miro Road
Cambridge, 3496, NZ
Click below to download the Early Childhood Education enrolment agreement to save your place on our waiting list.